Chattanooga Vision Therapy provides a comprehensive low vision and vision therapy services to the greater Chattanooga area. We would love to be able to serve you.
How Do I know If I have a Vision Problem?
Symptoms of a vision problem are not always immediately apparent. Some patients automatically adjust when their symptoms are minor, which often lets small problems become big ones. To see if you could benefit from vision therapy, fill out our quick quality of life checklist or schedule an appointment with one of our eye doctors.
Common vision conditions improved by vision therapy
Strabismus, also known as crossed eyes, is caused when the eyes become misaligned, and one eye deviates away from the central focal point. As the eyes become more crossed, eye movements become increasingly uncoordinated, and the patient may experience symptoms like double vision, loss of depth perception, and vision loss. Vision therapy helps refocus the eye and retrain the brain, so that both eyes are brought back into alignment.

Amblyopia, also known as lazy eye, is defined as reduced vision in one eye. This often leads to one eye becoming misaligned and wandering either inward or outward. Amblyopia is the leading cause of vision loss in children, and if left untreated, the vision loss can become permanent. If properly restrengthened and realigned through vision therapy, the eyes can fully recover.
Strabismus, also known as crossed eyes, is caused when the eyes become misaligned, and one eye deviates away from the central focal point. As the eyes become more crossed, eye movements become increasingly uncoordinated, and the patient may experience symptoms like double vision, loss of depth perception, and vision loss. Vision therapy helps refocus the eye and retrain the brain, so that both eyes are brought back into alignment.

Sports Vision
Strong visual skills are critical to success in sports. Your body and hands can’t react until your eyes pass its visual data to your brain. Accurate vision and athlete-level response time can be achieved through vision therapy. We can measure, develop, and enhance your eye-hand coordination, visual reaction time, peripheral awareness, eye teaming, focusing, tracking, visualization skills, and more!
Computer Vision Syndrome
Computer vision syndrome refers to eye conditions that stem from prolonged screen use. Devices like computer monitors, televisions, and cell phones can cause problems when your eyes are required to focus on their screens for extended periods of time. Symptoms can include eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, neck and shoulder pain, and eye dryness. Vision therapy helps strengthen the eye muscles, and improving poor habits like seating posture and viewing distance can decrease symptoms.

Other Vision Conditions Vision Therapy Can Help
Our vision is connected to the rest of our body in many ways, which means that a large number of conditions can trigger vision problems of some kind. Vision therapy strengthens the eye muscles and retrains the brain-eye communication, which makes it effective at treating a range of issues. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Convergence Insufficiency
- Oculomotor/Tracking Issues
- Traumatic Brain
- Injuries/Concussions
- Visual-Vestibular Disconnect
- Accommodative Dysfunctions
- Vision Information Processing
- Vision-Related Learning Problems