Just like a child learns to walk, talk, ride a bike, and calculate 2+2, there are a total of 17 visual skills that are learned over the course childhood. Children with vision problems aren’t always aware that they have a vision problem, because they don’t know what “normal” vision is supposed to look like. As a result, many of these children are labeled or mislabeled as having Dyslexia, Learning disabilities, Poor/Slow learners, Attention/Behavior problems, or Lack Motivation. It’s our job to identify and address any underdeveloped visual skills that might be interfering with learning.
Sometimes a vision dysfunction is the entire puzzle, other times it’s a piece of the puzzle. While we cannot officially diagnose any learning disabilities, we would recommend a full neuro-psychological evaluation done by a licensed psychologist if you suspect that you or your child might have a true learning disability. Remember, at the end of the day, a diagnosis does not define you or your child; it should be meant to clarify and help, not limit or dismiss.
The American Optometric Academy (AOA) recommends the following eye exam schedule to ensure proper visual development: at 6 months, 3 years, 5 years, and every year after that